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PIS 2010: Results of the first game day

Full result servis here...

Results in elimination groups:

Elimination group A

1. Rugby team (CZ)

2. Usurpátors High 5 (CZ)

3. Only Hustlaz (CZ)


Elimination group B

1. We are ready to die (CZ)

2. Hungary (HUN)

3. Slaný atak (CZ)

4. Ghisa e Barbisa (ITA)

Elimination group C

1. Magazin Streetball (RUS)

2. Xstream Ballers (CZ)

3. Mesto snov (SK)

4. Germany´s Finest (GERM)

Elimination group D

1. Team Akull Kosova (KOS)

2. Midgets (CZ)

3. Slam Team (CZ)

4. 4 Fun (CZ)

Teams on the 1st and 2nd place in each group play tomorrow “double elimination tournament system”.

Teams on the 3rd and 4th position in qualification group play for the final standings on the 9th – 16th place in the
single elimination tournament system (will see according the number of the teams).

Individual competitons – Sunday finals:

Shock Slam Dunk Battle for Europe   

Al Capone   




3pt Shoot Out   


Lucas PL   


Honzí Veselý   





Sunday presentation of the teams: 13:30 – 14:00, first games start at 14:05.  

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