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Information for the tournament

On Saturday of 13 July 2019, the 17th anniversary of the oldest international streetball tournament, Prague International Streetball Cup, will take place in Prague on the Wenceslas Square.

The tournament of 12 teams is open for three elite czech teams and eight foreign teams as the prize money in
2019 reaches 3500 euros in total (1st place: 2000 euros, 2nd place: 1000 euros, 3rd place: 500 euros). The
organizers bring into the tournament three elite czech teams – qualifiers from Czech Streetball Cup and one
wild card for invitational czech team.

Attention! The winner of the competition of the Slam Dunk Battle for Europe can achieve financial
prize of € 500!

The tournament starts by the presentation of all the teams between 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. CET,
followed by the draw of the tournament at 9:45 a.m. CET. Official start of the first game is set for 10:00 a.m. CET.
After the draw, the teams will be placed in four groups of three teams in each – qualifying

After playing each other in the groups (qualifying round), first and second team in each group will
advance into the play off. The play off of 8 top teams will be played in four quarterfinal games followed by 2
semifinal games. These two semifinal games will determine the teams for the 3rd place game and the final

The playing time of one match is 10 minutes of stop time, kept on the official scoreboard, with the
12 seconds shotclock. There is one central court with the official sport surface designated for outdoor basketball
and one will be for warm-up, equiped with the same surface and basket.

The tournament starts on Saturday and Sunday at the same time, at 14:00 – playing at one central
court and one will be for warm-up.

The winner of Prague International Streetball Cup 2019 get a ticket to challenger Ghetto Basket Riga in Latvia!

Official event for Prague International Streetball Cup 2019 is HERE.

Photo: Jakub Nedbal


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